Graduation ceremony 2018-2020 cohort, Universitat de València


The Erasmus Mundus Master in work, organizations, and personnel psychology (Valencia) celebrates online the graduation of students in its XIII edition.

Due to the current situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the closing ceremony will not be carried out as in other years in person. However, students and faculty will have the opportunity to say goodbye and celebrate the completion of the studies of the 2018-2020 class through the BB collaborate platform . Professor Vicente Martínez-Tur, coordinator of the Master at the Universitat de València and the consortium of universities is leading the session together with professors José Mª Peiró and Núria Tordera. On 9th and 10th July, the students are presenting online their Master thesis. A new class of students from 12 different nationalities is successfully completing their studies to respond to the old and new challenges that today’s society has to face. Their contribution to society from a solid background based on scientific evidence in the psychology of work, organizations and personnel is today more necessary than ever. We congratulate all the new WOP-P graduates.