Silla, I.
University of ValenciaInmaculada Silla is a Ph.D. in Work and Organizational Psychology (Ph.D. Best Award 2008, University of Valencia) and senior researcher. She teaches undergraduate courses in organizational psychology and graduate courses in work psychology in the International Joint Master of Research in Work and Organizational Psychology (IJMRWOP) at the University of Valencia. Since 2018, she is a member of the IDOCAL research institute, and she has previously
worked as a senior researcher at CISOT (Sociotechnical Research Institute) (2005-2018). She has extensive experience in safety in high-reliability organizations research, consultancy, and advisory work (e.g., International Agency of Atomic Energy or Utilities Service Alliance).
Also, she has been a visiting researcher at VTT (Technical Research Center of Finland), University of Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon University, National Institute for Working Life (Sweden), and Research Center for Stress, Health and Well-being (University of Leuven). Her research interests are safety in high-reliability organizations and organizational and safety culture. She has published several articles in high impact factor journals such as the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Safety Science or Journal of Safety Research.
You can visit her Researchgate profile for more information.