Dos Santos, N. R.

University of Coimbra

Nuno Rebelo dos Santos, Ph.D, is an associate professor at the University of Evora and invited professor at the University of Coimbra. He teaches in several Ph.D. and master courses (both in management and psychology) and has worked for more than 25 years in executive training and development. He was the course director of the master course in Professional Development Psychology (University of Evora) and is currently the vice-director of the master course in Psychology at the University of Evora. Concerning research activity, he is a full member of the Research Centre of Education and Psychology (CIEPUE) and an expert in qualitative research methods, having vast experience supervising Ph.D. and master theses in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology. He has published in books and several international academic peer-reviewed journals as diverse as the International Labour Review, International Journal of Selection and Assessment,  and Ageing and Society. His main research interests are global cooperation, leadership, ethics, developmental interventions, and decent work.