Fees (Trans.)

For the 2020-2022 edition the tuition fees and participation costs will be as follows:

Are you a partner or a programme country student?

Fees and participation costs include insurance costs, administration costs required by the universities to register students, university I.D. cards, the student’s record management, and delivery of diplomas according to the procedure established in the Consortium. Transportation, lodging, meals, and incidentals are not included.

The Winter School is a compulsory activity within the Master´s programme of the second year. One of its parts includes a mandatory in-residence period (premises of the International Center of Gandía and lodging in Borgia Hotel in Gandía, Spain) where all students are physically present in one city (Gandía, Spain) for about two weeks. It supposes a cost of approximately 350€ in a double room with full board. Travel and transportation are not included.

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