Climate17: The Erasmus Mundus Master in WOP-P interacts with the business Community
On 24th of November 2023, we welcomed members of the board of the company Climate 17 to our University for an interactive session. Climate17 is oriented to help other companies to find talent for their teams and help people find the next step in their careers in the sector of renewable energy. Our second-year students had the opportunity to meet Carlos Soria (Director), Martina Zandara (Head of Italy), and Lucas Seyda (Head of Germany) to discuss with them different matters related to their company.
The event organized by Dr. Mario Martínez-Córcoles and Dr. Núria Tordera (local coordinator of the Master WOP-P) was held at the Sala de Juntas at the Universitat de València. After a general introduction to the company, the members of the board gave an interesting talk about several topics: a description of their main business activity, their implementation of sustainable actions and practices, or the obtention of B-corp certification. Students raised several questions and participated actively. The visit finished with a social hour with snacks and beverages. It was a great opportunity to learn about management with purpose in the field of recruitment and selection.
We thank all the team at Climate17 for visiting us and sharing their experience!