Master Advisory Board Meeting. Barcelona, October 5, 2017
The Advisory Board meeting of the WOP-P Master was held, joining members of the Council and the Coordination Committee. This meeting gathered feedback on different issues that are critical to the functioning of the Master: contents of the subjects, teaching and learning methods, new demands and challenges for the WOP-P professional, and the internationalization of the Master.
The members of the Advisory Council that participated in this meeting were:
- Guest, David (UK, Professor, King’s College of London)
- Posarelli, Massimo (Italy, Principal and Assessment and Development Practitioner Leader, Mercer)
- Quadros, Gonçalo (Portugal, CEO, Critical Software)
- Soler, Ceferí (Spain, Professor at ESADE and University Ramon Llull)
- Zijlstra, Fred (Netherlands, Professor, Maastricht University)