Prof. Richard Griffith offered a course on Intervention in Organizations during the Winter School “Robert Roe & Bernhard Wilpert” (Joint Intensive Learning Unit) 2019


Professor Richard Griffith visited the University of Valencia with the aim of participating in teaching activities in the Erasmus Mundus Master in Work Psychology, Organizations and Human Resources. During February 2019 he gave a course on “Intervention in Organizations ” to the students of second of the master during the Winter School “Robert Roe & Bernhard Wilpert” (Joint Intensive Learning Unit).

The course focused on analyzing the Organizational context that includes aspects such as globalization, migration, labour market, technological developments, etc. as well as the differences between regions to subsequently apply this information to the development of a specific Organizational Intervention. It was taught with a participatory methodology in which the students developed various tasks, both in groups and individually.

All the activities have been supported by a grant from Banco Santander BS and Vicerectorate for Postgraduate Studies.