Practicum and research (Trans.)
In addition to regular courses and activities on WOP-P, Practicum and Master Theses are compulsory. The practicum forces the student to manage real situations in organizational life under a scheme of supervision where he/she has the support of both academic and in-company tutors who check and follow the acquisition of competences established in the WOP-P Master.
Regarding research training, during the three steps of the training process (position paper or project, research work, and Master Thesis), the student not only has to prepare the different versions of the manuscript (the Master Thesis is a revised/improved version of the research work) and defend them in a public session with a jury, but he/she also has to prepare a separate letter describing how the feedback received in the previous step is incorporated into the new version of the manuscript. Thus, there is a systematic process through which the student experiences the process of submission of manuscripts for external evaluation.